Monday, March 29, 2010

Smoker Lady in the Library

I have a test at 9 am tomorrow, I havent really studied at all for it, but that's not the point. This evening I went to meet a friend at the library to exchange some notes. I sat down at one of the quick use computers to look up a book I needed for a class. As I was waiting some crack head lady with flaming red hair began talking to her son, loudly. She was headed outside for a smoke, leaving her son, who looked about six, alone with her stuff at 9:30 at night. The loudness of her voice startled me and as I looked up to see who was violating rule number one of library usage I locked eyes with the red haired perp.
She then proceeded to talk to me for what felt like 30 minutes about very personal topics. Such as her son sucking his fingers, then his clothes, she's a single mom, how she didn't hardly have any money and she only owned three pairs of pants, she said that she can't let her son suck on his T-shirts because then CPS will come after her. I was stuck in that awkward position where I didn't want to be rude and ignore this person who is talking to me about things that are none of my business but at the same time if I gave her any attention she took this as a green light to continue talking. Finally she left to have her smoke...which made me much are packs of cigarette's these days? I bet if she quit smoking she could probably afford more pants for her son... and aren't little kids supposed to be in bed early? Someone might think I am rude for saying these things and that this woman probably just got dealt a shitty hand in life, which may be true but I think there is a lot to be said about a mother who openly admits to a complete stranger she cannot afford more than three pairs of pants but she has no problem leaving her son alone to go light up. I feel sorry for that little boy.
Which leads me to my self revealing fact of the post: I do not smoke and I do not have children... yet.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Leaving the Dock

Okay, I have decided I am going to begin blogging, which knowing me will probably just be a collection of off color stories, complaints about my life and the world, and maybe some offensive opinions of mine which are unreasonable and completely biased, but hopefully it will amount into something more. I would like to one day polish this up and actaully have a theme of sorts.

I hope to one day accumulate a comment or two on this, maybe even a small number of kooky followers but I have abso-fucking-lutely NO interest in sharing my real name with the blogging community, at this time anyway. Also I am often politically incorrect, inappropriate, and foul mouthed, parts of my true identity I don't wish to share with potential employers, family and friends, or anyone who would look at me odd if they knew about this. I am, however going to share one small fact about myself per post....

Usually I reach for the Bombay, but tonight I will be sipping Stoli.